Angel Reading - Timeless - 64


Dear Beautiful People, 


I have a question for you.  Can you please give me a list of problems that I can create EFT videos for? I want to know what are your top 3-5 problems you would like me to address with EFT videos on my YouTube channel. Thank you :-)

This is my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/ThePurpleFlower

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the ...
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Angel Reading - Timeless - 63


Dear Beautiful People, 

Anyone in the mood to meet their Guardian Angels? :-)  Here is a video I made to meet your angel: https://youtu.be/i6ARfZFQ36M.

Please do it and let me know how it went! :-)  And while you are there, could you please subscribe to my YouTube channel, and click the bell icon too - that is IF you like the content on my channel.

This is my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/ThePurpleFlower

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not ...
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Angel Reading - Timeless - 62


Dear Beautiful People, 

Did you check out my YouTube channel yet? I post videos on manifesting, EFT Tapping, Meditation, and Angels there. Do check it out and if you like the contents, please subscribe and click the bell icon to be notified whenever I add a new video.

This is my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/ThePurpleFlower

If you are feeling sad for some reason, do this meditation from my channel and post in the comments under the video how you felt before the meditation, and how you felt after the meditation. Here is the meditation video: https://youtu.be/AY-bR9zrQkQ

This meditation video really helps a lot. Read the comments below the video. For example, someone wrote there: "Thank you Swati, the experience was beautiful. It was 1 when I started. Yes, I was completely down. But at end of this meditation, it had come to 8. It was very peaceful. I will keep on practicing it for even better results. Thank you very much". I had asked how they felt on a scale of 1 to 10...

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Angel Reading - Timeless - 61


Dear Beautiful People, 

I hope life has been treating you well. I wish that for you every day. 

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


If you chose A, your angels are saying you already are, or ente...

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Angel Reading - Timeless - 60


Dear Beautiful People, 

I hope you liked the EFT video to help with loneliness that I sent last week. If you haven't already seen the video, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/RcD0hgOZOUI

And my YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/ThePurpleFlower. I would love it if you subscribe to my channel and clicked the bell icon so that you will know whenever I posted any new video on angels, EFT Tapping, Manifesting  & Meditations.

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choos
  • ...
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Angel Reading - Timeless - 59


Dear Beautiful People, 

How is 2022 treating you so far? If life feels tough for any reason, please remember to close your eyes, and ask yourself, "Wouldn't it be nice if ______" and fill in the blanks with whatever it is you want. Say that a few more times, with eyes closed...repeat slowly, feeling it. Do your stress levels go down a bit? :-) Sending you hugs.

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason l...
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EFT Tapping For Self-Love

eft self-love tapping Feb 12, 2022
Dear Beautiful Being,

I had written in my last blog post that I will be alternating content each week between angel readings and something else to help you.

Today I wondered what I could send you, especially because Valentine's Day is almost here (at the time of writing). And after thinking of many topics, I thought the best gift would be the gift of Self-Love. Valentine's Day or not, Self-Love is powerful in changing our lives around.

So below is my video: EFT Tapping For Self-Love. Tap along with it, and let me know how you feel.

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

Practice with this video every day till you get to a score of 10 (I have explained that in the video).

You will begin to notice that your life begins to change. You might start to wake up feeling happier. You might feel less stressed. A health issue might resolve by itself. You might soon find that you are...

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Angel Reading - Timeless - 58


Dear Beautiful People,

Happy New Year! I know, I am late in wishing you. I have not posted these angel readings since December. I was taking some time out from being constantly busy.

Also, I want to change some things here with my blogs/emails. I wish to add more articles and videos that are helpful to you besides only the Weekly Angel Readings.

So here are the changes:

1. Instead of weekly Angel Readings I will be doing fortnightly Angel Readings
2. I will be posting articles & videos on topics like manifest better health relationships, money, or anything else you wish to manifest, articles on angels, meditation, EFT, etc.
3. I will be posting the above two topics on alternate weeks. So this week I am sending an Angel Reading for the next 14 days. And next Sunday I will send an article from #2 above.

Let me know how 2022 is for you so far.

And now, for the Angel Reading: 


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 p...

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Angel Reading - Timeless - 57


Dear Beautiful People,

Two more weeks for the new year! I am keeping the same questions as last week below because these are very important.  

Examples of things you can let go of before you step into 2022:

  1. Anger towards someone.
  2. Sadness over some incident.
  3. Guilt over something.

I will post a blog post this week to show you how you can easily let go of emotions you do not want to carry with you to 2022, so keep an eye on that.

Tell me in your comments below:

1. What would you like to say goodbye to as you say goodbye to 2021? What emotion, experiences would you want to let go of?

2. What good things happened to you in 2021? They don't have to be big. Most good things are small, and they are scattered all over our lives like wildflowers on a mountain during spring. We just need to notice them. They are the ones that make life most beautiful. So please don't say that nothing good happened for you in 2021. Take some time to look back on 2021, and start making a list of all t...

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Angel Reading - Timeless - 56


Dear Beautiful People,

Wow...just 3 more weeks to 2022...

Tell me in your comments below:

1. What would you like to say goodbye to as you say goodbye to 2021? What emotion, experiences would you want to let go of?

2. What good things happened to you in 2021? They don't have to be big. Most good things are small, and they are scattered all over our lives like wildflowers on a mountain during spring. We just need to notice them. They are the ones that make life most beautiful. So please don't say that nothing good happened for you in 2021. Take some time to look back on 2021, and start making a list of all the nice things that happened - super tiny things, small things, medium things, or big things. LOL!  You know that when we notice the good things, somehow more good things happen for us. I am sure many of us have had terrible things happen too. I lost 7 people from my family & friends circle gone this year because of Covid. However, despite our losses and grief, as long as we li...

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